Insomnia is a common sleep disorder affecting a large population worldwide. It is one of the most common causes of disability among people. According to reports, about one-third of adults don’t get sufficient sleep. Insomnia refers to poor sleep with symptoms such as:
- Not being able to fall asleep
- Waking up several times at night
- Waking up too early in the morning
- Not feeling refreshed even after getting 7-8 hours of sleep
Prolonged poor sleep may have serious health complications and many other side effects. Now, you must be thinking about the possible reason of insomnia. Well, there are several reasons for causing insomnia and you must know about them.
In today’s blog, we will discuss the amount of sleep adults need and the causes of insomnia. This will help you understand what disturbs people’s sleep. Moreover, we will discuss the treatment options for insomnia.
What Is the Normal Amount of Sleep Adults Need?
You must have heard that people need 6-9 hours of sleep per night to stay healthy. But that’s not true for everyone as different people need different amounts of sleep. Children need more sleep than adults which ranges between 14-16 hours. On the other hand, adults need 6-9 hours every night to stay healthy and function well the next day. But as people grow old, the amount of sleep they get reduces.
In general, people take less than 30 minutes to fall asleep. However, it is not the same for everyone. Moreover, the amount of adequate sleep is also not the same for everyone. An adequate amount of sleep is what keeps you refreshed throughout the day and prevents daytime sleepiness.
According to studies, a normal sleep cycle consists of three parts: NREM sleep, REM sleep, and 1-2 minutes of awakening. NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep is divided into three stages – N1, N2, and N3. With every passing stage, sleep becomes deeper and restorative. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is the sleep in which the brain is active, the eyes move, but the body remains immobile. Dreaming and memory consolidation occurs during REM sleep. Every one of us wakes up for 1-2 minutes in the night and sleeps back again which is normal. Every night there occurs 4-5 NREM sleep stages and 4-5 REM sleep stages with several short periods of waking.
What Can Be the Reason of Insomnia?
There are many possible reason of insomnia and poor sleep. Although everyone doesn’t need to have a similar reason for their poor sleep. Some people experience poor sleep because of lifestyle habits, stimulants, and poor sleep hygiene. Many people experience poor sleep because of many physical or mental health issues and medications such as:
Stress, anxiety, or depression: It is not always easy to let go of your stress about work, studies, home, or personal problems. If the stress lasts long it may turn into anxiety or depression which badly affects your sleep. According to experts, treatment of stress, anxiety, or depression can treat poor sleep too. However, it’s important to be cautious with sleep medications like Zopiclone, as Zopiclone addiction can develop with prolonged use.
Physical illness and pain: Any condition that causes pain can disturb your sleep as pain doesn’t let you lie on the bed comfortably. So, it is important to treat the conditions that cause pain. Moreover, use a comfortable mattress that gives support to your body and helps to get better sleep. Along with that, certain health conditions such as sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes may also cause insomnia.
Medications: Certain medications can also affect sleep and poor sleep can be a side effect of those medications. Antidepressants, anti-asthma medications, and some blood pressure medications can affect your sleep. Not only this, poor sleep can also be a withdrawal symptom of certain medications.
Can Lifestyle and Sleep Habits Affect Your Sleep?
Yes, lifestyle and sleep habits play a huge role in your sleep. A slight change in your lifestyle or sleep habits can affect your sleep in many ways. Here are some lifestyle habits that can be the reason of insomnia or poor sleep:
Keeping your brain stimulated until late in the evening can also affect your sleep. Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and the blue light emitted by electronic devices are some major stimulants. If you consume any of these late in the evening, it can cause difficulty falling asleep.
The circadian rhythm or your body’s internal clock follows the pattern of day and night for bodily functions. Irregular sleep schedules misalign the circadian rhythm affecting every function of your body including sleep. Napping late in the evening, jet lag, and shift work disorder can disrupt your circadian rhythm and sleep. Moreover, females can experience sleep disturbances and insomnia during pregnancy.
When considering medication adjustments, many patients ask, “Can zolpidem 10 mg be cut in half?” It’s important to consult your healthcare provider before altering the dosage of any medication to ensure safety and effectiveness.
The Bottom Line
Insomnia or poor sleep is not something that you can ignore. You must understand that quality sleep is as important as a healthy diet and regular exercise. Poor sleep has very negative impacts on health and well-being. So, you should focus on the ways to improve sleep quality and get better sleep. Buy zopisign online uk is one of the best sleep medications that improves sleep quality and promotes better sleep. Along with medicines, many lifestyle tips and sleep hygiene tips can help you get better sleep. Using sleep medicines along with lifestyle tips or therapies can provide you with significant sleep benefits. In the UK, individuals often search for options to buy zolpidem online uk to manage insomnia, but it requires a valid prescription for safe use